About Lucas Roy

 Born in Darlington UK 1988, Lucas had a very active mind and body throughout childhood which led to a continuous exertion in many sports and a short attention span in school. Chosen subjects during his time in School included Art and Photography, both of which were attended frequently due to an interest but ended with zero qualifications from any subject in school. 

  After leaving school he worked as a Chef and did this for a couple of years until he was accepted into The British Army (The Parachute Regiment).  During his 6 years in The Paras he quickly learned to listen and focus his hyper mind and had an interesting and rewarding time, serving on operations and discovering parts of the world and their cultures. 

 Lucas left the Army to become a close to home Father but with many thanks to the Army he left with a lot more than he went in with.  Qualifications and overseas operational experience helped him to train as an Advanced Medical Technician.  This enabled Lucas to work as a Medic within the  Ambulance Service for a few years which was another eye opener from a complete different perspective for him but after a few years he required a new less stressful venture.

“I think I was born as an artist and didn’t know it till later on.  I was always a little bit of a non conformist, non- traditionalist, question everything type of kid.”

“My young adult experiences overseas and the Ambulance Service enlightened me to how serious and unbalanced the world is.  I later realised my artwork enabled a gateway to promote positive change and Influence debate or conversation. Then a few years down the line....here we are.  My mind is always on the go and thinking about art most of the day.”

   “My work is now inspired from our popular culture, counter culture, fashion, social media, all types of art and mediums, whilst probably showing parts of my unusually strange personality.  My work is described as bright, vibrant and amusing and i'm rewarded if it distracts you from any negativity in your life.

I am currently a resident Artist of Darlington's historic ‘Quaker Meeting House’.  Most of my work goes to private broker channels with in the USA. Some of my work has been displayed in newspapers, magazines, public spaces and events.”

“Thanks for reading...have a good day.”
